The IAC of West Michigan strives to create and foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable space for all potential clients, employees, volunteers, partners, and community. Individuals of all genders, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, educational background, disability, and immigration status are welcome.
The IAC of WMI is committed to providing a safe space where everyone is valued, respected, and encouraged to present their authentic self, without the fear of judgement or discrimination. We recognize that every individual that enters our space brings with them a unique and diverse life experience that deserves to be heard and validated.
With compassion, attention, education, advocacy and expertise, the IAC of WMI endeavors to:
- Practice and encourage transparency in all community communication and interactions.
- See diversity, inclusion, and equity as connected to our mission and which is critical to ensure the well-being of our staff and the immigrant communities we serve.
- Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs and services, and continually update and report organization progress to our grant makers and greater community.
Further, the IAC of WMI abides by the following action items to help promote diversity and inclusion in our workplace:
- Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization by creating formal, transparent and equitable policies, while continually seeking additional learning opportunities for growth.
- Seek resources and expand offerings for underrepresented groups and individuals by connecting and partnering with like-minded organizations committed to the diversity and inclusion efforts for immigrant populations.
- Develop and present immigration education through various channels (online and in-person) to better reach the greater community and connect with advocates of immigration about opportunities and changes within our legal system.
- Advocate and drive change that promotes diversity, inclusion and equity in immigration legal services, and challenge systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity.